How To Check File Permissions

When the Download Player is opened, the first thing that happens is that the "patcher" runs.

Checking file permissions of the Download Player and Patcher

When the Download Player is opened, the first thing that happens is that the "patcher" runs.

The patcher checks for player software updates and will automatically upgrade your player as a new version becomes available. The patcher then launches your Download Player and your music starts to play. The patcher is shown below:

File permissions are set up on install, however on the occasional computer, it has been required to set the file permissions manually either due to system settings or to revert back after a user has changed these permissions.

Download Player Patcher

Accessing File Properties

To check the file permissions and settings you need to access the install path of your player. By default your player will have been installed to either c:\Program Files\DownloadPlayer\ or c:\DownloadPlayer\, but your's may be different if you chose another location whilst installing your player..

Within the install path, right click on the files named DownloadPlayer.exe and DownloadPatch.exe in turn and from the menu that appears select Properties to access the File Properties window.

In here there are three things to check:

Download Player Windows - Accessing File Properties

User File Permissions

We strongly advise that you run the Download Player under a user that is an 'administrator' or a user that has full administrative rights.

Within the File Properties window, select the Security tab and check that the user that you are logged on as (or plan to run the Download Player under) has full permission/control to access this file. Compare the permissions set on both the DownloadPatch.exe and DownloadPlayer.exe to ensure that they are the same.

Check the permissions on the DownloadPlayer folder, to ensure that the user also has permission to access all of the files within it.

Download Player Windows - Security Properties Window
Download Player Windows - Compatibility Windows

File Compatibility Mode & Settings

Within the File Properties window for the DownloadPlayer.exe, select the Compatibility tab and check that the following tick boxes are unticked:

  • Run this program in compatibility mode for:
  • Run this program as an administrator

Note: If you have different users on the PC, we advise that you select the Change settings for all users button and untick these two settings in this screen too.

Now try launching your Download Player again from the desktop icon.

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